Martyna Tetera, who has been living in Asia for over five years, found happiness there and got to know her true nature better. Her adventure, life in exotic countries, began with working as a yoga instructor in beautiful resorts and wellness centers. He has lived in Bali since the outbreak of the pandemic, teaching yoga practice there. She wanted to stay tancerką, but life (destiny) chose for her, directing her to a completely different path.

Is the shaky situation of the last twofromch years has changedand whatin your life

Yes, it changed a lot, in a positive and less pleasant context. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, I started dealing with online courses, I focused on mentoringu i coaching. I have developed my yoga teaching to a more holistic approach, my attention is not limited to classes and exercises. From that year on, I started my studies in a new field of transpersonal psychology. I have decided to develop myself in this area because I want to teach yoga as a practice for personal and spiritual development. It is important for me to show that yoga is much more than exercise, relaxation or stretching. During the last twofromFor years I have understood what I really want to do.

How it appeared on your path yoga?

I have always been drawn to yoga, I was curious what it was, I wanted to know the originfroma source of origin, full meaning. About eighteen years ago, I had my first contact with yoga, więc moI can say that he has been with me for a long time. I couldn't wfromin time to find any studiosfromIn yoga related, I bought my first book, written by an Indian teacher, it opened me up to this whole world. It was not a book that changed a lot in my life, but it indicated new perspectives in my life.

Then did you start practicing yoga too?

The process started, I started practicing becausequite regularly. Then I went to study in Germany and I started going to ballet there, then to salsa, I always wanted toI have yourfinish. In the ballet studio, to ktfromI attended, there werefromalso yoga classes.

What feelings came to you with yoga practice?

When I stepped onto the mat, Mr.about my first yoga lessons, I felt an incredible ease in my body, it intrigued me a lot. However, infromat that time, my attention was more focused on the dance. But everything changed when I injured my knee and couldn'tI have yourFinish as I wanted. There were also back problems. At this point in my life, I began tofromalso be interested in the deeper part of yoga practice, philosophy, yoga life, Ayurveda. I decided to do a teacher training course. Yoga has become a mystical, holistic sphere of life for me, not only correctly performed asanas. I entered the world of breathing exercises, meditation, chanting mantras.

What he gave apart from physical changesdoes Ci play?

Doing the yoga course was the moment whenfromrhyme, I felt changes in my life, not only in my body. It was a harbinger of a slightly different life for me, ktfromre didO, that I was getting happier. I enteredfromduring a wanderingfromself-development. I met myself from a different, deeper perspective.

Often times, great changes are generated by not easy life experiences, as it wasof thewith you?

I think that I was also in such a place when I was overwhelmed by sadness of unknown origin, ktfromrego źrfromI did not know what it was. A few years ago I was going through a difficult, very long periodo pI was hungry, I didn't know why something was breaking inside me. He came to these mood swingsand youwith back problems. In my yoga practice, there has always been some bfroml physical, opfromr, I didn't know what the reasons are. Then the book fell into my handsread Louise L. Hay,, Iyou want to heal your life ”. Książtherealized to me that I must learn to love myself, learn tofromalso forgive others. Yoga practices also helped me a lot in these life lessons.

Have you had any experiences with spirituality/ becauseetcfromre influenced your perception of realitythere?

On the path of learning yoga, I came across conferences during whichfromrej in time workshopfromI had an amazing experience. I felt an indescribable sense of oneness, it was so otherworldly and at the same time profound that it greatly influenced my perception of reality. Immediately after that, I made a decision that I would quit my job, give up my flat, leave my current life in Munich and go to South America, then to Asia.

What was the purpose of this first tripY?

My goal when I went to Asia was to teach yoga. Earlier, of course, I was looking for places wherefromI could work soon. Zaklthere isI say that I will go away for six months and wrfromcc. Not wrfromI felt like it, and from that moment on, I was always drawn to Asia. I worked in Cambodia, in a yoga center, then ended up in "Silent Retreat" in Balia. Next on the map was Sri Lanka and Ayurvedic teaching. Spenttime tooalso a year on Sumbie, teaching at a luxurious remote resort. He visitedtime tooalso India, in order to broaden the knowledge of yoga and Ayurveda. In the meantime, wrfromI moved to Bali, with the plan of krfromthis visit. Fate wanted me to meet my partner then and I decided to stay and Bali.

Did you go back to the country of your ancestors?fromin, feeling that this is your place or home already Asia?

During the breaks between travels, I have been to Poland several times, but I have come to the conclusion that I could not live here anymore. I love coming back to the country, but only for a while. I think that I have already found my place and it allowed me to find myself better. I found my yoga school there, it is a traditional hatha yoga, and for over five years I have been a student and a teacher there. My whole life is in Bali now this is my seat now. However, I love to travel and discover the world, I don't want to be limited to one place.

Do you feel that all life choices and living in symbiosis with a logical approach are your way?

I think yoga is my path, I don't know if that's what makes me happy and coolfrominternal, but it certainly allows me to have more happiness and inner peace.

Is Twfromj partner, ktfromYou've met the regime at Balia, I'm practicing with you?

Mfromj the partner does not practice yoga, although he is from India. However, he has this Indian soul in him and was brought up in the Hindu tradition. Sometimes he is in my classes.

An exotic place wherefromrhyme you live, the closeness to nature and the culture of a spiritual approach makes it easier to walk towards self-awarenessthere?

I think that the fact that I live closer to the cradle of yoga philosophy and culture makes me feel a strong connection with the spiritual world in exotic conditions. Around mefromthe creature is spiritual, yogifromin, rituals. This place attracts people who are looking for themselves. Exotic nature in itself is something calming, motivating, it certainly influences the perception of the world and searching for depth.with a. Life in Bali is also much slower. However, I know that if I went to Europe now, I would continue to practice.

Do you have your yoga teacher?

I've always had teachers, there were many of them, they changed. Since I did the teacher training course, I met teachers whofromThe three stayed with me by dslower. I have such a feeling that in Bali, where I live, there is also a lot of this "for show" spirituality, there is rfromalso a large group of people, ktfromrzy is sincerely looking for and wants to develop.

How to identify the right teacher for you?

When looking for a teacher for yourself, you need to define your needs, do you want to have nice photos on IG and be flexible, do you want to de-stress?, monthat I will reportfoodthe potential of yoga practice. Depending on our intentions, we will attract people who match our needs and expectations. It is worth looking atfromalso deeper than just superficiality, do not choose a teacher by photos or descriptions. Good isfromalso test method and błędfromin, checking if we resonate with the person or not.

What is your unfulfilled yoga dream??

I have already undergone so many coursesfromin, I have visited so many places related to spiritual development. My dream now is to want to share what I have experienced myself. All the time I felt that I was not ready to share what I know. It wasofthe paw of my mind, years of experience and practice give me the possibilities and the necessary knowledge i dobenefit. He feels he wants to share the depth of yoga, conduct workshops, and record videos for the channel YouTube. Marthat about sharing with the world what brought such big changes in my life. He no longer wants to hide in the shadow of his own experiences. I runfromalso your blog ( wants to publish systematically there wimore postfromin, develop mine markę, I feel that I am in the process all the time.

Is there any quote, saying, sentence, ktfromra describes Thfromj attitude towards yoga?

"We don't practice yoga to be good at yoga, just to be good at life." This is the motto, ktfromI always say that. I heard it from one of my mentorfromin and I stick to it.